Termite Questions
Is a termite station and a full system easy to install?
So another question we get a lot is, “Is a termite station and a full system easy to install?” Well, that’s a station, you can see the depth of it, it’s only 15cm. If you can put a pot plant in or a little plant in a pot that size, you can put these stations in around your home. Very simple and easy, dig down a bit below the depth, put the station in the ground, pack dirt around it, nice and tight, finish the top flush with the soil and you’re right to go. We have also done a video on how to install a station, you will find it under tips and tricks. If you treat each one like an individual pot plant and put 20 odd around your home, it can take three or four hours, but just think you’re saving $3,000 to $4,000 on most jobs. View our range.
The termites are not taking the bait, what do I do?
This is a great question because it does happen, it even happens to us. There could be multiple reasons why they’re not taking the bait. If you’ve sprayed them with fly spray in that active area before you’ve baited, a lot of the time they won’t go back to that area because it’s been contaminated. So you’ve got to be really careful. You don’t want to go spraying any area you find active termites. You want to put the bait on the organic spot they’re in and they’re feeding on, jam the bait on them on that, cover the bait and leave it – but if it has been sprayed, sometimes it deters the colony from that area as they know there’s poison there and they send signals back to each other and they don’t come to that area.
Another thing is too, smokers, if you’re mixing the bait and you’re a smoker, it can contaminate the bait. So keep everything clean and keep your hands clean. As we say in our other videos, we’ve got a lot of tips and tricks, put gloves on, mix it pure, use good water. So you’re giving the bait the best option to work. If you contaminate the bait, termites pick up on it, they’re not silly, if there’s smoke and different things that aren’t a natural part of the environment all over the bait, they won’t take to it.
Also, people check it too often, that’s why we say three weeks. So bait on that active area, leave it three weeks, don’t check it every day as you’re going to upset them, some are very shy and they’ll disappear. So just bait on it, leave it, go back and check in three weeks. If they haven’t taken the bait, give us a call and we’ll explain reasons why it can happen and how to try and find a better area. Because it does happen, not very often, but look, we’re dealing with animals and they’re unpredictable sometimes . But as I said, we have follow up service on the phone so give us a call, it’s probably best off talking to one of our technicians and they’ll give you the best advice possible. View our range.
How long does the bait last on the shelf?
Another one we get is, “How long does the bait last on the shelf?” So the beauty of this bait is, it’s been trialled for five years, it doesn’t break down. It’s in powder form, it’s in a sealed container, as long as you put the lid back on, keep it high and dry, keep it out of the moisture it’s proven five years with no problems at all, it will probably last longer. The sealed container comes with a plastic bag inside the container so just keep it fully sealed, store it high and dry and it’ll last forever, the longevity is really good. View our range.
Does the system work all over Australia?
Another question we get is “Does it work all over Australia?”. It’s a good question. We’re in the Gold Coast and Brisbane area and the metabolism of the termites is high all year round because we’re a warmer subtropical climate even through the winter they’re still busy. Whereas in places like Melbourne termites slow right down in winter. Victoria and Tasmania hasn’t got the termites problems we have because it’s too cold. So in your colder areas they certainly slow down but the bait does work all over Australia on nearly all species. We’re trialing it at the moment on Mastotermes Darwiniensis, which are above the Tropic of Capricorn, they’re the biggest termites in the world, the great Northern termites is another name for them. They’re 14mm long, they’re three to four times the size of your standard Coptotermes which is the most aggressive in Australia.
The bait works on every species except the Mastotermes which we’re currently trialling, these are the big, aggressive termites and they’re above the Tropic of Capricorn. If you do see these massive termites and you live in areas around Darwin or Cairns, we recommend you get professionals out, because while they are feeding on the bait in our trials and it does seem to be working, they eat copious amounts. But all other species in Australia, love the bait, they’ll feed on it, they find the bait palatable and it will kill the colony over time. As I mentioned before, termites do have different molting times, so it’s a patience game, we’re trying to kill millions not thousands. View our range.
How many stations do a need around my home?
Another question we get asked often is, “How many stations do a need around my home?” So this is a pretty easy maths equation; if you measure the linear meters around your home where the stations are going to go – this might be around a patio, around a pool or just outside your foot paths. Once you have the whole distance, divide it by three, and that’ll give you the amount of stations you need because we’re running at three meter centres ie if you’ve got a 60 linear meter home (which is pretty common standard for a little three bedroom home) you’ll need 20 stations. You can buy either a 12 pack, 24 pack, 30 pack, 48 pack or 60 pack, we also do custom packs.
Measure the lineal meters, divide it by three and this will give you the number of stations you need around your home, that’s if you want a full system. If you want to go strategic, you can go less, just measure the distance of the areas you want to protect but the best way to get full protection is to go no more than three meter centres around your home to form a complete barrier. This will create an interception zone from termites wandering into your home, they’re going to veer off to the stations, then you can bait on them and get rid of that colony. View our range.
Is the bait dangerous to kids and pets?
Another question, “Is the bait dangerous to kids and pets?”. This is a great question. What I love about this system is this system is the most eco-friendly way to treat termites in the world. The bait is less toxic than table salt, we could eat it in copious amounts as people, pets as well although they don’t touch it, but it only affects termites in their molting stage and as I said, it can take several months to kill the colony, so the potency level is so low. The bait is pure cellulose and the active is Chlorfluazuron, which is one gram per kilogram, which is a very low grade, and as I said it only. View our range.
Where and how many areas do I put the bait?
So another question is, “Where and how many areas do I put the bait?”. So always put the bait on active termites. It’s no good putting bait on old termite damage because there mightn’t be any termites there, you’re just going to place your bait, you’re going to waste your money as it’s just going to sit there as there’s no termites in that area. So if you don’t find termites, don’t bait randomly just hoping they’ll come to that area, but if you see any termites in that area, certainly bait. Bait on all areas you find active at the start, and over time you’ll find where they’re feeding the most, keep baiting that area the most as well. Normally it’s one colony at once and you can have multiple attacks, but generally if it’s in one area, it’s one colony attacking your home. So just keep baiting on that area, all areas at the start, keep baiting on the most consumed area over time to get that colony elimination. View our range.
How long does the bait take to kill the colony?
So this is a pretty random question, how long is a bit of string sometimes? If you’ve got Coptotermes, sometimes one month the whole colony is gone, they’re super aggressive. Then you’ve got Schedorhinotermes, which is another aggressive species but can take five, six months because they don’t molt as often throughout the year. It’s the molting process where they die out. In the winter sometimes, they’re metabolism is slower and they can take longer to molt. Generally it’s between three and four months we find, in most cases, the colony is completely gone. But if it’s not, just keep applying bait, you don’t have to do the full amount, but just keep adding to it, let them feed be patient because sometimes they haven’t molted yet. They’ve eaten enough bait to die out, it’s just a matter of that molting process happening.
A colony only needs to consume 100gm of bait to kill the whole colony. We’re feeding them more than that, we want to be super safe and make sure they’ve eaten enough to kill that colony out. Even if it’s taken four and five months, just keep adding a little bit, keep them feeding, and what you find, the last stage of colony elimination is you see all soldiers. They’re the ones with the mandibles, you’ll see the little nippers on them – they can’t feed. When you see all soldiers at the end of it, that means the colony is pretty much gone because the workers have died out, the workers feed the soldiers. At the start you’ve got 80% workers, 20% soldiers, but once you see the colony coming to the end, you see all the ones that are left with the nippers wandering aimlessly, that means the next stage is the colony is completely gone. Just remember we’re killing millions not thousands, so it’s a patience game, just keep monitoring and baiting and over time you’ll definitely get that colony elimination. View our range.
How often do I bait on active termites?
As I said before, don’t check it all the time. People check it too often then we get calls saying, “it’s not working, we’ve checked it after two days and they’re not feeding” – they’re not going to. Sometimes it takes a little while for the termites to get used to the bait, and every species is different, their metabolism is different, some are more aggressive feeders than others and the type you have may not be an aggressive feeder. Be patient, that’s why we say check at the three week mark. Bait 100gm with 350ml of water, cover it over, leave it for three weeks, go back and check, replace the amount that’s taken, if not the same.
Normally, the first couple of times you rebait, you’re putting the same amount on, but after a couple of months, they do slow up the feeding because the colony is getting smaller and they’re dying out. So you don’t need to put as much bait on, it might pay to mix half that amount if they’ve only eaten a little bit. So just rebait as the consumption rate diminishes to keep that colony feeding and you’ll get the best results. View our range.
How much bait do I place on active termites?
So what we say is 100gm of bait to 350ml of water is the right consistency. You get 10 baiting sessions out of a 1kg bucket. 100gm is also 500ml in a jug, so you can fill a jug up with the powder to the 500ml mark and that’s the perfect amount with 350ml of clean water. We don’t like using tap water because there’s chlorine and other additives in it, so try and use clean; either tank water, or bottled water or buy some distilled water. This will give you the best results for the bait because it’s pure and that’s how much you put on each active area. If you check it in three weeks and they haven’t eaten any bait in some areas you don’t need to rebait, but if they’ve eaten 60% or 70%, rebait with that amount. You don’t need to overdo the bait, just keep feeding what the consumption rate is of the termites at the time. View our range.
How and where do I bait?
So what we say is wherever you find active termites, you bait even if you haven’t found a lot in that area, still put some bait on it and test it. What I say to a lot of people doing it themselves which are you guys out there, is if you find active termites bait in all the areas you find them. If you’ve got some in a skirting board, or a window sill, or outside in your sleepers, or in a tree, bait on those areas. Then what you do over time is you find out where the best feeding zone is and keep putting more bait in that area. At the start, it’s a bit of a test trial, you bait multiple areas, if they’re eating in all those areas keep rebaiting, every three weeks until the colony is gone.
Don’t do it all the time, you don’t want to upset the termites. So what you want to do is just leave it, be patient, every three weeks, that’s what we do as professionals, go back, check and rebait. At the start, when you’re trying to find where the main feeding source is, bait multiple areas, if they’re in multiple areas that is, if they’re in one area just bait that one area. It’s trial and error at the start, especially when you’re learning, but when they’re feeding, it’s working. If you see the bait change colour, go a browny colour from the white it is, that’s their excretion, they’re in amongst it feeding. So don’t check it every day, just go back every three weeks, check it, rebait, close it over, leave it and let them do their thing because they’re taking that back to the colony. View our range.
Why do I need a full barrier around my home?
“Why do I need a full barrier around my home? Why can’t I just buy a few stations, or a 12 pack and that’ll do my whole house?”. The reason is, if you’ve got big gaps there’s a good chance termites can breach through that section. So three meters is the optimum distance we use as professionals, every job we do, we never exceed the three meter mark. It’s a golden rule in our game with baiting and monitoring. You don’t have to go to this level but if you want the best system you can put in that’s what we recommend. Strategic stations work well if you can’t afford the full system but what we do say is try not to exceed three meter centres around your home. The reason is if you’ve got larger gaps, like five, six meters, termites can get through that gap and they’re into your home before you know it.
Whereas if you’ve got three meter centres, normally the Co2 levels give off a two meter radius from the stations so it overlaps, therefore if they’re going between them, they’ll veer off to one or the other and then you can bait directly into your station. So that’s the main reason why we recommend three meter centres and a full system around your home for the best protection possible. View our range.
How does the bait work?
So what the bait does is, you bait directly on active termites and the termites take that back to the colony, which has got the queen in it. Our goal is to get rid of the queen, she’s the barometer of the whole colony, so if you take out the queen the whole colony is gone within two weeks. The idea of the bait is the workers feed on the bait, so you put it on active termites, whether it’s in your house, in your sleepers, in a tree, anywhere you find active. They’re taking that bait back to the colony, they’re a social animal, they’re passing it to each other, the workers are feeding the soldiers and the queen. So it doesn’t matter how far the queen is away from the source, they’re taking the bait back to that point.
Termites molt several times a year, when they ear large amounts of the bait it stops their molting process and that kills off the workers who feed the soldiers and the queen, so the queen and the soldiers die of starvation. Also, when the workers die in the molting process, they give off ammonia, which is like a gas that also kills the queen. So that’s how you get colony elimination, once the queen’s gone, the colony’s gone within two weeks. It’s not a super quick process, it depends on what sort of species it is, but once they start feeding on the bait, you’re guaranteed, you’ll get full colony elimination in time. View our range.
How do the stations work?
So what we do with the stations is we place them at no more than three meter centres around your home creating a complete barrier, this is how we do it as professionals. The idea of the stations is, if termites are coming from an outside source, the colony is out here and we’ve got a barrier around your home, you’re protected from trying to get access as they will veer-line to the stations instead. The reason they go to the stations is the timber and the cardboard is giving off Co2 in the soil which emulates a decaying log, so they’re attracted to the Co2 levels. Then when they get into the station, they feed on the timber, which is Tasmanian oak, one of their favourite food sources.
So that’s how they get to the stations. The idea is to have a full system around your home, so it intercepts any foraging termites coming to your home. Once they’re active in the station, you bait directly inside that hollow area and just keep baiting every three weeks, the termites will take the bait back to the colony and that’s how we gain colony elimination from having the stations in the ground. View our range.
Does this work?
So one of the first questions I get a lot is, “Does this work?”, people are sceptical these days. Well, I just say to that, “Does a one legged a duck swim in circles?” of course it does, so it certainly works. We use this exact product, we use these stations, this bait, every day as a professional company, Complete Termite Solutions, and as I said, we’ve got thousands of systems in. If we didn’t think this would work we’d have so many complaints from our clients. We’ve got a massive database, we’re one of the leading termite companies in Australia independently, and as I said, it works awesome. View our range.
I don’t have termites. Do I still need to protect my home?
Yes. Termites are master hiders and can go undetected for months causing thousands of $$$ in structural damage to your home! Installing a Termigold termite barrier around your home using our easy to follow instructions will protect against the threat of termite attack. View our range.
Are white ants the same as termites?
Yes, termites are sometimes referred to as ‘white ants’. They are far more destructive than ants though! View our range.
What types of wood do termites eat?
Termites eat hardwood and softwood, and can use treated wood as a bridge to a food source they love. We have even seen termites eat through Cyprus pine which is a natural deterrent for termites to get to a timber they love. View our range.
How do know if I have termites?
Some signs of termites are discolouration on a wall, mud leads, soft timber skirtings or door frames and bubbling paint. Some species of termites will make a sound like they are eating your home.To see the signs of termites, visit our termite information page. View our range.
Does my insurance policy cover termite damage?
No. Home insurance covers unexpected damage, and unfortunately this does not include termites! View our range.
How do I use your products?
Every TermiGold purchase comes with easy-to-follow instructions and tutorial videos that tell you everything you need to know.This is done in a step by step process just like the professionals. View our range.
What do I do if I find termites?
If you have found termites, you should apply TermiGold bait directly on top of infected areas. You should also set up bait stations around the perimeter of your home to ensure that the colony is eliminated, and to provide ongoing protection. Once termites have entered a dwelling they leave a pheromone trail which acts as an attractant for other colonies. NOTE: It is really important that you do not spray termites with a house old pest spray as this will only encourage them to move to another part of your home. View our range.
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